Hello, welcome to the special page for the AID.
WuBDA promo:
WuBDA is the Wageningen Ballroom Dance Association. We teach both Ballroom and Latin dances to the students of Wageningen. We teach the Samba and Slow Waltz in the upcoming period. Watch the promotional video above or follow the AID Samba tutorials to get an idea of these dances. The gyms are closed due to the current Corona measures but we organize online classes instead. Currently, make tutorials that you can follow any time you want and we organize review classes and flexibility classes.
If you have any questions for us, send a message on our Instagram/Facebook or send an email to wageningendance@gmail.com.
WuBDA hopes you have a great AID!
Here you have some quick links to important pages on our website:
AID Samba tutorials: here you will find 3 tutorials for the Samba, the upcoming period we teach the Samba and English waltz.
Subscribing and Costs: here you will find how to become a member, what kind of benefits becoming a member has and what kind of dances we teach
Events: WuBDA organizes fun activities like parties, escape rooms and more, see what we have planned in the future.
Instagram: WuBDA has an Instagram page with an active story and some nice pictures and stories.
Facebook: WuBDA has a Facebook page where you can find upcoming events and pictures of WuBDA’s activities.